
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Extraordinary Fifth Post!

This is the rug weaver software. Like the basket weaver I used the line graphing system. I found it easy as I was used to the system. However this particular design I struggled with. I mad a few mistakes early on and I was not aware of them until after I was nearly half way through, so the software took me longer than expected. After fixing the mistakes I found a rhythm with the number again and I was able to fly through it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Amazing Fourth Post

This is the dog basket. I used the line graphing system. I found it difficult at first, but it became extremely easy. I found there was a pattern even in creating the "basket". Personally, I did not have to keep looking back at the graph for each point because I discovered the pattern. The numbers increased of decreased depending on the placement of each line, and it was something I was able to figure out rather quickly.